
Bootstrapping CoreOS cluster with Kubernetes in 20 minutes using coreos-baremental and bootkube

Configuring bootcfg and dnsmasq for quick bootstrap of CoreOS cluster on baremetal servers. Install k8s using bootkube.

Sergey Nuzhdin

9 minute read

It’s 4 months now since I migrated my infrastructure to CoreOS and Kubernetes. Now I can say that this was the right decision. Or, even, the best thing that happened to my servers :). Of course, there were some problems during this period, but mostly because of some misconfiguration from my side. Also, there was no single downtime because of infrastructure. My original post was very long and compicated. Actually, even I don’t want to reproduce all of this stuff ever again.

Migrate infrastructure to K8s. Part 2. Basic services.

Deploying DNS and dashboards to Kubernetes cluster

Sergey Nuzhdin

4 minute read

In previous post I finished description of installation of kubernetes cluster on bare-metal hardware. At this point we should be able to communicate with it using kubectl In this post I will go through installation of basic services to use and monitor cluster. For example DNS, heapster and different dashboards. Deploying addon services Kubernetes comes with several very useful addons, available on its github, either in kubernetes or in contrib.

Hosting own docker registry with UI and tls

Deploying docker registry with UI and tls for kubernetes cluster

Sergey Nuzhdin

4 minute read

First thing you need if you’re using Kubernetes - Docker registry. Because its all about containers. So in this post I will show how to deploy your own registry inside Kubernetes cluster, with UI and tls, with basic http authentication. I’m going to use cluster I deployed in previous post. As short recap - we have Kubernetes cluster with few nodes, and external loadbalancer (ubuntu based machine with nginx) Get ssl certificates from Let’s Encrypt To have proper registry opened to the web, we need to get ssl certificates.

Migrate infrastructure to Kubernetes: Building baremetal cluster

Migrating infrastructure to CoreOS based Kubernetes cluster.

Sergey Nuzhdin

16 minute read

I started trying to switch to Docker about a year ago, but all tools were kind of not-production-ready. With docker-compose it was unreal to scale containers without restart. Deis looked like a black box with a lot of magic. Then Tutum appeared and it was awesome, really, it was the first working solution. So I switched to it. It was fine most of the time, yes it had problems with networking, yes it was annoying to copy-paste all environment variables into each container, but it was in beta, and it was free.